Certified Scrum Developer is a two days training program that leads to a CSD certificate from Scrum Alliance. There is no assessment for this program from Scrum Alliance, but coaches will evaluate students before processing certification.
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Scrum Alliance adopted the Scrum Guide, The Definitive Guide to Scrum: The Rules of the Game, co-authored and updated (most recently in 2020) by the Scrum framework’s co-creators, the guiding curriculum for this offering. Certified Scrum Developer candidates are expected to build a body of knowledge of the Scrum framework, including its accountabilities, events, and artifacts. Incorporating Scrum principles and practices takes diligence, patience, and a commitment to continuous improvement. Scrum is a framework, not a prescriptive methodology.
Students attending the Certified Scrum Developer (CSD) course should expect to learn essential concepts and skills to work successfully in a Scrum team that focuses on creating software. They also should expect to be enabled to bring necessary collaboration skills into their group. Thirdly, this course should understand the need for agile engineering practices and encourage participants to adopt them in their contexts.
This document describes the Learning Objectives that must be covered in a Certified Scrum Developer (CSD®) offering in addition to the Scrum Foundations learning objectives. These learning objectives consider the following:
This entails covering Learning Objectives within the following categories:
Students attending a CSD offering should expect that each Learning Objective identified in this document will be covered. Students should also expect that the Scrum Foundations Learning Objectives are covered either before or during the offering.
Explain at least three differences between a working group and a team and discuss at least three attributes of effective teams. Additionally, demonstrate “working together as one team.” Example definition of team: a small number of people with complementary skills, committed to a common purpose, performance goal, and approach, are mutually accountable. Example: T-shaped skill profile.
Learn pair programming, pair designing, pair working in general, and creating something – code or non-technical – in a Scrum simulation. Understand about shorter feedback loops, less work-in-progress, less misinterpretation of needs, direct feedback of the working solution, and actually trying the built product.
For group inquiries, please contact us at devops@agilemania.com
Agilemania offers the CSD training, aimed at building Scrum Developer knowledge, which leads to your CSD certification. Download the brochure and check the various focus areas covered as part of the training.
To earn a CSD®, we require at least two days of formal training taught by a Scrum Alliance-approved CSD Educator. Once you complete your course, you will receive a notification to accept your CSD® license, and the CSD® certification will be added to your profile. Your certification is valid for two years.
Your Path with Scrum Alliance:
Maintain your CSD® certification by earning Scrum Education Units® (SEUs) and renewing your certificate every two years.
Leverage Our Tailor-Made Corporate AgileScrum, SAFe And DevOps Training Programs to Stay Ahead Of The Competition And Succeed In This Digital Economy.
Certified Scrum Developer®
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For a detailed enquiry, please write to us at devops@agilemania.com
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For a detailed enquiry, please write to us at devops@agilemania.com